I've not read it, merely dipped into it a few times when I saw Nanu carrying it about.

At 2000 pages it's a formidable book. Over half again the Holy Bible, and we all know how popular that is.

And, from the few pages I've read - well, about as readable as the Bible as well.

Anyways, I'm going to post a link to the wiki and the book online - because, after all, what says our tastes have to be the same?

Wiki on Urantia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Urantia_Book

Website with Book Online: https://www.urantia.org/urantia-book/read-urantia-book-online

Take 10 minutes and read the table of contents.

It's basically it's own religion, which makes me a little curious, but this life is too short to go down that rabbit-hole.


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