Like, line it up already....

OK. Sometimes I drink too much and start shit I probably shouldn't finish but at some point (episode 6) I get annoyed about trifles and call bullshit.

That said, on, off, episode 6 and I'm thinking this is the therapy I need at the moment. Some episodes are better than others. 

Fun Fact: I think actually Dave Duchovny actually joined Sexaholics Anonymous. I seem to have some vague memory of this. And - probably false, but - hey, fits in with the whole "Californication" thing way too well. So I won't be bothered to fact check or Google it...

That said, I'm getting it. I mean, no, nowhere near as much as the titular Duchovny, but - yeah, I get it. The poolside conversation, I've had this epiphany before, understood

And god, but the cheekbones - the swollen cheeks, artificially implanted, watch it and see - the same as Vancouver's "Spitting Image" puppet wives, the mockery of beauty.

Their weird-assed kid? WTF? Where did she come from? Who writes the dialogue for her? Have they ever met a child before? Really? She's the queen of awkward, irrelevant, and I doubt anyone could imagine a child like that and in any way think it's OK. They should have used a robot. Just my take...

So, did some googling, apparently "Hank Moody"'s based upon the persona of "Charlie Bukowski", contemporized, some 30, 40, 50 odd years later. Not a surprise, plenty of references, more surprised at how poorly they've done it.

And by Episode 8, enough already, I'll finish the season but it can't continue to be this patchy, I'm in need of amusement, not some sort of half-witted catharsis...and the way it ends, fucking bloody hell. 

Overall, too much gratuitous sex, shallow and poor character development, mediocre writing.  

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