Which was not the easiest film to watch, but - like a lot of things - the reward is directly proportionate to the effort you put into it. 

It loosely follows "Oscar" - the protagonist - through his life and flashbacks, into his hallucinations and death. There is, of course, an awful lot more, but for a film as experimental as it is it still maintains interest and a cohesive narrative (the problem with a lot of these films - as experimental as they are, is that they lose all touchstones of humanity and narrative. This one doesn't). Worth watching - but, fair warning, at 2 hours and 40 minutes it's a bit long. And, for the record, while it requires a fair bit of attention it might benefit from a small dose of the many psychedelics it recommends. And ensure you watch it on a big screen...

Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enter_the_Void

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