I'll start with a master. Many of you may be familiar with his "Red", "White" and "Blue" trilogy, but Krzysztof Kieślowski has done more than just that. In specific, "The Double life of Veronica" - a film about a set of spiritually cojoined twins who can only intuit one anothers existences. 

And the other, his "Decalogue" series, 10 short films made for Polish television based upon the 10 commandments. Not that he was religious (not that I am), but if something were to convert you it would be these works - each very simply done, muted colors, simple themes, all filmed on the same location [A bleak Warsaw apartment block], with the same actors in various roles, but God is in the details, and these films have everything, in small gestures and nuances he explores various facets of human existence, dissects the ordinary, imbues it with meaning, and reassembles, reanimates it, exploring overlapped and missed coincidences, synchronicities, triumph and tragedy, all on a microscopic, human scale. 

Both films available at Bird Dog Video (in Calgary), if you live elsewhere try your independant movie vendor first. It's time well spent.

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