Meanwhile, a brief summary of what I've been up to in my movie watching the past several weeks. Films that don't necessarily deserve a review on their own...

  • Bruno - with Sacha Baron Cohen. Yeah, stupid, stupid, stupid, that said I couldn't help but laugh when he's trying to get into Mike's tent after "a bear ate all my clothes...he devoured everything but these condoms" and "I'm pretty sure Donny's gay". And the scene with the gerbils. And ... well, for such a stupid movie it was surprising how many scenes made me laugh out loud.
  • The Evil Dead II - Brilliant, macabre. Would not want to see this on Acid or Mushrooms.
  • The Kingsman - I was inspired to see this with the daughter after watching the Trump Mashup (here). Hate to say it but despite all the glowing reviews the Trump Mashup was the best thing about it.
  • Parasite - by Bong Joon-ho. Good, Surprising, meaning it rather thwarted all expectations in a rather intelligent fashion, but I wouldn't say that I enjoyed it. Not was I was looking for.
  • The Ring - The pick for Halloween with the daughter. The original, "OK" to "Meh", but an interesting twist at the end.
  • Silence of the Lambs - Took the daughter to see. A classic but "Meh". I used to bug a guy who's name rhymes with "Ben" about raising butterflies and the well in his basement, forgot "It must put on the Lotion" line. When I see him next I'll bring it up. The daughter was properly horrified, 

And that catches me up. 


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