Waiting for my movies to come in, there's a few I been hoping to see, but small town and they're taking there good time getting here. Meanwhile I'm stuck with "The Marvels" and some other Disney garbage at the cinema, but it will pass, and I'm waiting on the Nicholas Cage "Dream Scenario" (and a couple of others).


(1939, John Ford)

Loved this. Every Western Convention ever - the honorable outlaw (Ringo, played by John Wayne)  meets whore with a heart of gold, the terrifying Apache raids led by Geronimo, the sidekicks, evil banker, drunk doctor, vaudeville gambler, Dead-Mans-Hand, Saved by the Cavalry, it's a movie of stereotypes all put together in service of narrating the imaginal American History. Whether these tropes existed before John Ford put them together, or whether they became tropes after the movie, I don't know, and I don't care enough to go searching, I only know it was a darned good movie. 

Went down a few rabbit holes afterwards looking up Geronimo, who was quite the character. His own history is every bit as interesting as the movie.


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