Now the third time I've watched it, and every time I'm left puzzling "What was he thinking...?".

I'm not the only one. Theories abound, some more convincing than others. A marginally interesting take on it is "Room 237" (watch HERE)

There's a lot - I mean a lot - that clearly isn't accidental - Wendy and Danny watching the unplugged television, the turnaround of Danny confronting the ball being rolled at him, the Goofy V Wendy bit at the beginning, "Continuity Errors", only Kubrick didn't make continuity errors, and so there's something else going on, Jack Torrence, only seeing the ghosts in rooms with mirrors, Kubrick is masterful, he's sewn, sown the narrative with doubt and uncertainty, and every time I watch it I'm left wondering "What was he thinking...?".

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