Now, my hood, the Co-op is the first choice, followed by Safeway. Prices roughly the same, although Safeway sells the spicy Thai chilies at $1.00 less than Co-op, still too expensive, $3.00 for 50 grams of chilies and a whole lot of extraneous packaging.

Am I supposed to eat these or snort them?

You can buy the same at Save-On Foods for around $10.00 per pound, which works out to about 80% cheaper - more or less, but Save-On is a bit of a drive away and I can't eat THAT many chilies to justify the gas.

But today, up in the NE, stop by H&W Produce, and - WOW, I've grown too used to being fucked over by Co-op. 98 Cents per avocado, and some are even ripe. At Co-op, $2.50, $3.00 per, and you're buying futures, they're so hard they won't be ripe for weeks. Field-berries for $1.28 a package...Habanero Peppers for $7.00/lb, beets $1.27/lb, I could go on. 

Suffice it to stay I'll stick with Co-op for trivial, non-green-grocer things, but for produce it's H&W all the way. I saved - VS Co-op - easily $12.00 today - on a $7.00 purchase.

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