The Season begins, a couple of weeks early. Wake up, get motivated, head down first to Taghum, where there's a couple of Kayaks on sale, a good price, but at the moment some deals have to slide.

From there, to Ymir, really wasting time here, there's nothing of interest, unless you want to chat with the proprietess, from here to Nelson, coffee, a couple of the expected garage sales there called off due to a spring thundershower that rolled through, then north again towards Kaslo. 

Not a promising start to the season.

In Kaslo, the same storm that hit Nelson, most garage sales called off, and I hit the only one I can find. 

My luck has turned around, mostly kitsch, vintage garbage, but a few finds:

Postcards, vintage, some old copies of some famous woodgravings illustrating parables and saints:

this one reminds me of the old bosses nephew for some reason...


And then a few of the old plastic ones that represent a scene in 3D, these are great, I have only to white out the writing on the back to use them again:

tipping the postcard gives depth to the field, others, Alpine landscapes, a few tacky German ones, a few from classic locations, they'll all work with my vintage stamps...

But the real find, the one that's given me the taste for the season, well...

...can you guess?


A crystal holography healing kit, "light therapy", with guide to acupuncture points, crystal holograms, wands, acupuncture electric stimulators, various other quack medical devices, total retail in excess of $1000 US, all mine for a mere $25 Canadian. After a bit of haggling, of course, but now, now I'm practically a Nelson Doctor. Dr. Rod. 

And so it begins...

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