Saturday, first day of garage saleing. My first day, first Saturday with wheels, and I spend the night in town. Up early, first stop, rummage sale at church. 

I'm first in line.

Waiting, waiting...Lxx - local antique dealer and his wife - proprietors of the one and only antique shop in town - are in line. 

This is the competitive edge - if I'm not quick I'll be buying whatever I missed at 10X the price off them...

Anyways, wait, chat, they're pleasant enough, finally - inside:

This is why I came. Running, intermittently, not keeping time - but a vintage Omega for $1.00. Needs servicing - but - it's an Omega. 

Other finds, a vintage Schaeffer Fountain Pen, (with others, 50 Cents), a pound of Lead Free Solder, some bits of Sherman styled jewelry (brooch, earrings) - these for Dag, who will work them into her caps, "Necromicon" - an anthology of Lovecraft, this for Ken. 20 Minutes later I'm done. Lxx's arms are filled with resalable tat, but nothing I wanted, nothing of value...

Now, I really had to talk myself into this garage sale - especially after the 6 months at the thrift shop, unboxing rubbish. It's like I'm standing in line to see a preview of what I'll be unboxing Monday. Really, did I need to see more rubbish?

But I did well, and so it's back to the circuit...

A few more garage sales, nothing of value, then off to work...

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