I'm in front of a convenience in my jeep, trying to get some sleep. An old 70's Cadillac, black sun-bleached paint, going back and forth in the parking lot, I can't see a driver...

I fall asleep, wake up a couple of hours later, am going to go home. The sun is low in the sky, it's autumn, I'm driving home, through suburbs that remind me of Edmonton, my teen years, passing a walk-up apartment block there's 27 bodies (??) on the front lawn, all of them draped in white sheets, there are cops, ambulances, it's a drug related hit gone wrong, they didn't get the right apartment and so hit the whole building...

At home I'm telling Mom and Dad, they're upset, it's not their neighborhood, not the one they knew, I'm reassuring them, this crime,  it's just an anomaly, a blip, things here are as safe as they've ever been...

(**Weird, filled with evocations of being a teenager again, the old neighborhoods-not neighborhoods, suburbs that remind you, evoke Edmonton...)

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