I'm checking into an old hotel, the walls are yellow, outside it's surrounded by green trees. There's a dim comfortable light at the front desk, they know me when I come in, "Yes, yes Mr. Boyle, we have a room for you"...

They know me in a creepy kind of way, I don't know them, it reminds me a bit of Jack Torrance being finally welcomed to the Overlook Hotel...

The desk clerk shows me to my room. The room, dingy, yellow walls, it'll do, when I spot on it, flickering just out of reach of the light from the bedside lamp - a butterfly, camouflaged, then opening it's wings to reveal a beautiful burst of color, I try to bring my phone close to it to take a picture, share with a friend, but it flies away...

The desk clerk is apologizing, they don't usually have bugs in their hotel, but I'm looking for it now, on the wall in the hallway, opening it's wings a beautiful blue-green that casts a stunning penumbra onto the wall and I have to get a picture of this...

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