I've been having more dreams as of late, just nothing worth noting. Dissatisfied dreams, one dream of a familar place (the intersection of 14st and 17ave SW) - autumn, walking across the street to find they've redone it entirely, paved it with cobblestones, no cars allowed, colored leaves scattered over the stones, crossing from south to north to find myself completely lost in a new/old neighborhood. File this one under 'lost in familiar places'.

But, good news, I've a new boxspring. Recalling that for the past 2 months I've been sleeping in my kids beds this is an improvement, at first it wouldn't fit, but bouncing upon it made it fall finally into place. Which is good, as I was worried about falling through. And so I've begun to clean the house, which for 2 months has been stalled, the lack of box-spring my final excuse against cleaning, now to move the heaps of linen from the living room floor into the bedroom, remove the quilt from the floor, pick up the pillows, maybe even sweep the floor and vacuum. . .arrange my neckties, hang my clothes. . .

I'm running out of excuses.

I've set up a pen and paper beside my bed, to jot down those dreams of relevance, as I've noted I've begun to remember them more. Credit the boxspring.


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