It begins with me moving to Nelson-not Nelson, I'm with a friend I vaguely recognize, going up the main street (not a mountain in sight, it's a prairie town on the high plains, flat, not Nelson but in the dream it's Nelson), there's some bands playing, they're giving away merchandise, hats, tee shirts, and I don't want to start here on this foot, freeloading, first impressions are important..., in a tired, decrepit old mansion, somewhere around Milk River, tired in the sense of a mansion you might see in an old 70's VHS movie, structurally beautiful, but faded velour and dark and run down, it's for sale, surrounded by a ramshackle farm yard, and I'm here to look at it and buy it...pretending to be someone else, in the basement there's a small room, tiled, and in the center a hole goes deep beneath the floor, it's lined with gold and somewhere below there's a fire...

...the owner, a fat, gruff old farmer, he's telling me that it's up for auction, imagines that I've come down from Red Deer to bid on it, and I take some keys-not-keys, like antique letter openers with different figures attached to the ends, I'll need these, and pretending to have come down from Red Deer I play along, the auction will be on Wednesday, I'll be there to bid, cost will be 3 or 4 million dollars, I haven't the money, have to find a way to get it, there's treasure here I know...

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