I'm on a ferry or boat with a bunch of people I don't know. They look like a cast from a movie, or survivor audition. We're heading over to an island, not a tropical one but something more like Manhattan, I think we're in New York.

On the island we begin to go down a long flight of stairs. It's like the entrance to a subway, a long metal tube plunging into the earth, and as far as we go there's still farther to descend. It takes all day.
At night we come up. We're being held here by these creatures - aliens, maybe? that operate out of a corner store, and we go and smash the windows of it, then run back to our subterranean lair. After we smash the windows someone says that we should call pest control, and looking back at the shop we can see this black ooze coming out of the window, there's no sign of the aliens orĀ  malevolence that's keeping us hostage, I expect to see a flood of cockroaches pouring from the building but there's nothing....

There's nothing we can do, if they catch us they'll kill us, or worse, but if they don't catch us and we live with them we'll live forever. We just want to be free.

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