A short nap.

I'm at work and Dave the dishwasher has bought a new car, a shiny red trans-am type vehicle, only it's not our Dave, it's Dave the busboy I used to work with at Chianti's.

I borrow it, it's the gap between shifts and I'm going to run to a distant thrift shop, I haven't been for a while and I've a feeling that they have all sorts of treasures waiting to be discovered. I ask the owner if he wants anything, he asks me to pick up a Herald and 2 copies of the Calgary Sun for the old ladies in the kitchen, I ask about the ones we get delivered and he shrugs, they got snowed on, wet,...

And I drive through the city, it's Calgary but not Calgary, there are old buildings and hills everywhere, it's snowing and for some reason everyone in the world is in the back seat....I take a shortcut down an alley and it goes down a steep hill and eventually I arrive at the bottom but the exits are blocked by barricades, apparently the shortcut I took was actually a flight of steps (obscured by the snow), pedestrians only, and some wiseacre bystander quips that the state troopers will come shortly to release the barricades, and he says it in a way that implies I'll be in all sorts of trouble...

There's no way to go back up the stairs that I've just come down, they're too steep and the snow is melting....

I notice an unbarricaded exit onto a main road, wonder why I didn't spy it earlier, everyone gets back into the car and I escape. It's getting late and none of us want to be late for work. The restaurant will be opening up in just a couple of minutes. I don't know where I am, it's dark, snowy, but coming up a hill I get a dejavu and think that I recognize the area and sure enough, when we get to the top there's the old hotel and I know where I am now, 37 St, we're just a couple of minutes from work....

Driving, passing a nightclub I've always meant to stop into and it's spring now, early evening, green trees, the sun's out, in front of the club there are couples in 18th century dress fornicating, men in powdered white wigs with youthful faces kneeling between the legs of beautiful young women, I slow down, there's a sign above the club that says it's a Kappa Sigma-something else initiation party, there's pale pink walls with maxims written on it in difficult to read cursive script, I'm not in the car anymore, am trying to read it, "Bring who you will and take who you please...." is the motto, or words to that effect, there are others and I'm trying to read them as well when I run into some TV celebrity who's attending the fraternity initiation, she recognizes me and we're chatting, the initiation is open to anyone and then she tells me she's brought her boyfriend in an attempt to dispel any possibly untoward intentions...

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