Nighttime, in the city, don't know which city, a big city. Walking home along a cobbled sidewalk and I've picked up a follower, dark, steel grey dog with black spots, medium height, short hair, sleek and lean, a very handsome mongrel. He's (?) following me, and I'm not in the mood, beside the sidewalk there's a sunken lane or alley, I grab the dog, duck under the rail and gently lower it the 2 or three feet to the lane...

...the dog merely jumps back up and continues to follow me, I repeat this, 2, 3 times, the dog always jumping up to resume following me, finally, the lane beside the sidewalk descends too deep for me to lower the dog without fear of injuring him, and now he follows me home...

...home, in my armchair, the dog loyally sitting at my side, growling at anybody that comes near...

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