A hodge podge of dreams that made little sense...

I'm standing at a center at the base of Mt. Shasta, it's early, I'm here with m y daughter to climb it. There's some sort of stairway to the top, like for Mt. Fuji or Kilimanjaro, and a couple of old men are coming down out of the mist, crankily discussing the problems with the new generation.


In an old old house, trying to clean things up for the people that live there, I'm getting disgusted, there are little frogs, leopard and rain-forest bright red poison dart frogs hopping around limply on the carpet, looking for their terrarium, water, something to eat, and I'm offended with all this abuse and am going to leave when the bosses nephew shows up and tells me he has their container, a 4 sided chamber with round compartments for each of the animals...

...Now a door, into the terrarium, I open it and inside I see a bear with 4 stuffed toy wolf pups, on leashes, there's the real wolf pup on the ground by the center and I see that it's been half eaten by the bear and I understand that the bear would eat anything that wasn't his, the restaurant owner's in the room, in a temper, and he's leaving, heading for the door with the bear, I close it and make my escape, down flights of stairs, deeper into the house, deliberately choosing a non-obvious route for my flight, looking for an exit, I'm leaving...

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