And I'm on a blind date with Patti Smith who's come over to my place - not my place, large, spacious urban apartment overlooking the city - big city, not this city...nighttime, and Patti Smith is not the young and sexy Patti Smith but a much older, wrinkled Patti Smith, with long grey hair, shaved bald over the crown, it's awkward this and L and X are laughing at my discomfort, they dropped by unannounced, Patti obviously likes me and while I'm liking her company it's not in that way...

And now I'm in London, L-- has gotten me tickets to fly there with a couple of her friends, I'm going to a very exclusive, private club, membership is coveted and almost impossible to attain, we arrive at the door in fancy dress, steampunk meets cosplay, her friends, one a beautiful young girl dressed as a fairy with mask, the other a heavy steampunk inventor type, I'm the tag-along...they're screening the people at the door, looking for tokens of membership, we slip along into the crowd, up a winding corkscrew shaped gallery, throngs of people gazing upon the artwork on the wall, eventually we arrive at a landing where they're checking our memberships, indoctrinating new members, the fairy girl is called from the line to be punished - she failed to show her membership medallion, I'm to be indoctrinated, the deciding jury (including Banksy) is asking me nonsensical questions, testing my responses, and I'm confused? Am I to be witty or frank? What is the right answer? They're all very serious...

A large bouncer figure walks off at one of my responses with a disapproving harrumppph...It's a different world, this, my companions have made their way into the club, DJ ???, laser light show, music, I must have passed admission because now I'm making my way into the club, jostling along, dancing, dancing...

Room after room of wonders...

I call L--- to thank her, to what do I owe this pleasure I ask? and she replies only that she loves me very much and I should enjoy it...

Now I'm swimming, darkly lit pool, still somehow in the nightclub, not swimming so much as being carried along, L--- is paddling on her back and carrying me, arm wrapped around my neck, floating and looking up towards an invisible ceiling...

(vivid, strange, enjoyable?...)

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