When I was younger I would practice this, lying down, attempting to astral project myself, beginning with my toes, concentrating on lifting free the feather of my soul from the leaden weight of my body. I would attempt to visit people I knew, seek confirmation of consciousness beyond my brain, sense beyond my senses. In time I had some small successes, I would free myself, then begin to fly, knowing all the while I was dreaming, but controlling it, flying across the world, strange landscapes spread out beneath me, attempting to navigate by force of will alone.

And I would lose control, accelerating rapidly, the landscapes, mountains, cities beneath me turning into a blur, I would begin to panic when it seemed I would go over the edge of the world, when I might not return, and awaken suddenly.

I practiced this, but life makes you busy, you lie down to project and find yourself only falling asleep. I should try this again.


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