The first nap, I dream that people have let themselves into my place while I'm having a nap and babysitting the kids. My kids, younger, and these people, I don't know, friends of a friend maybe, and I should get up and talk to them only I'm trying to have a nap. The lake, it's got huge waves today, towering 20, 30 feet in the air, I can see them below the deck, the water's heavy, but not rough, the waves aren't breaking, there are no whitecaps, merely large heavy waves reaching up into the darkening sky...

The people, eventually they leave, then there is another group that let themselves in, they're waiting for a bus, I know them, took them on a prospecting tour of the Kootenays, friends of Marks, still, I'm trying to nap, and eventually they too leave...

And it's time to get up, and I dreamed that I was trying to nap...


That I'm somewhere near Creston, the marshy plains before ascending the Kootenay Pass, there are signs explaining the Turtles, the area, I have the urge to go prospecting, above the marshes is a mountain that I recognize from other dreams, with tea-huts and caves and crystals and gold...

But for now I'm reading the signs at the foot of the marsh, reading about the wildlife and first discovery of the area by John from Halifax and I'm wondering if it's the same John from Halifax I knew some 30 years ago back in London....

Now my desk, wooden, small oak desk like you see in every second hand store, it's on fire, there's a cold blue fire flickering around it's a foot on the base, I'm wondering if I've kept any liquor in the drawer that might have started this, trying to put it out...


And so, fragments of dreams poorly recalled and that make little sense.

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