I'm in a park, well treed, there are tables everywhere with my things on them...maybe my things, not sure, maybe it's a flea market...

My children are here, somewhere, I don't know exactly, they're younger, off playing...

Walking off to a short hill the weather begins to change, dark clouds, a grey funnel reaches down above me and opens it's mouth like a sandworm, and up in it's maw I can see the clouds lightening to white, fluffy, and I'm drawn inside...

...Sitting now, in the clouds, I'm with Eve, not my daughter, but Eve of Adam and Eve, a fiery, beautiful redhead, forever young, she's speaking to me about some petitions I've made, both her and Adam, they are the rulers of the universe, and I'm worried a bit about my children as we're talking then I realize that here, in the clouds with her, time has no meaning...

...we talk, about my petition (which I can't remember), I'm asking about her husband, Adam, commiserating, they can never be together, she rules the sky at night and he the day, and never can they meet, and this saddens me but I realize that time, to them, is but an instant, and come the end of the universe they can be together and then realize again that the universe is without end...

She places me back in the park from where I was taken, walks with me a bit, I run into my children, only now they're younger, some of the stuff on the tables I recognize to be mine, I introduce her to Eve, my daughter, but she's not so impressed, and I find that not only has no time passed but I'm years earlier than when I was taken, I didn't want this, I wanted to change some things, but at this time I'm with D**, the most dreaded of all ex's, and I entreat Eve yet again to return me to the present, she tells me that everything will be all right, this is my chance to try again, and she leaves and I know I was fortunate to have this audience with her, that I might never again ...

...and upon the tables, vendors, selling curious busts  in bronze, puzzle boxes filled with secrets if only you can put them back together, ...

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