A blue-hued dream of being in a big city, glass windows reflecting everywhere, evening-ish, waiting (looking for?) someone...I'm talking to an old schoolmate, he's a bit dry, boring, I'm trying to explain who I'm waiting, looking for - I can't remember who it is ... my cousin, what's her name? I'm racking my brain and it comes to me ... "Valerie" and she appears...

And she's seeing if I'm ready to go, I am, and then we walk to a courtyard in the middle of the city, and there's a shelf, maybe 6' tall, 4' wide, metal, and on it I recognize my belongings, more than I can take with me, clothes, notebooks, miscellaneous I've collected, my things, they shouldn't be in the street like this, anyone could take them,  and I find on the shelf some things I didn't know I had, I'm DEFINITELY taking these with me, there's a small cube pencil sharpener, and then there's a couple of bigger ones, out of crystal, brightly coloured, 3 holes in each side, and now, now I'm ready to go...

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