Not *THE* restaurant, other restaurants, less dreams, as I seldom find time to sleep, it's more the ongoing chronic exhaustion of the holiday season in a poorly staffed restaurant. Of a large restaurant, built around a courtyard, the center descending several levels deep, there's been a flood and the lower levels are covered in slime, filth, they need to be cleaned, and I am trying to organize this while dealing with the customers on the main level ...

...and recognizing the too regular customers from the restaurant, *THE* restaurant, otherwise benign, harmless, even pleasant customers, but I am strangling them, killing them, it's them or me ...

...Outside, somewhere around Elbow Park, a bright summers day, I'm somehow between 2 restaurants, going from one to the other, admiring the architecture, an old, large gingerbread styled masonic lodge, eccentrically put together, behind it an old sandstone church, the lodge is interesting and I know inside it's fabulously decorated....

(No sleep, merely unconscious intervals between work, between customers arriving early by all and any doors, and leaving late... Which, if my dream life is any indication, is becoming a bit overwhelming...2 days to go!)

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