Up at 5:00 AM, can't sleep, work, sunrise, then at 9:00 go for a nap.

And I have the strangest of dreams. I have to take a parcel to Edmonton for my family, my brother, and so I take a bus to Red Deer then decide I don't want to go all the way to Edmonton and post it from there.

At the bus depot downtown I hang around for a bit, watching the police round up the crazies. There's a cute black hooker, her ass hanging out of her jeans, they take her too, bundle her into the van - "She's crazy" the police tell me.

And when I get home to my dream apartment my brother is there, other people I don't know, a Korean landlord and his 2 children, they've all brought beer and are having a party. There's a childs swimming pool in the living room, some baby in a stroller and this plump girl under a giant plastic umbrella smiling at me and I think the umbrella is really her hat so I complement her on it and she moves away to show me that it's really an umbrella.

There are all sorts of people everywhere..

My brother, he's trying to show me some photos he's got of me, this envelope, he wants me to send it in to Derren Brown, some sort of user participation is required for his next trick...different pictures of me, taken "surveillance style", we talk about the last trick, the lottery prediction, we agree it wasn't the best one...

I go upstairs, carpeted, dark blue, like a normal house. And I realize that this isn't my house, I don't know these people, it's all just a dream.

And so I go back downstairs in my underwear only, they all look at me funny, I've got a dark stain in the front (I just took a pee) and I tell them I don't care, it's just a dream, and they understand. 

They're still talking to me. I'm getting upset, looking for meaning, Why this apartment? Why these people? What does it mean? And my brother brings me a chart that shows everyone in the building. In one of the apartments is Celine Dion. There's other apartments too on the same floor with names like "B Dion", so we guess that Celine owns all the apartments and is using Aliases. There are other apartments, we look at the names on those, some are obscured and hidden, like they don't want to be known, others are long strings of numbers and I'm trying to decipher them., remember them because they must mean something....


The dream disappears, another, similar related dream which I forget....


And then the dream of the world's best dollar cinema. I've forgotten I'm dreaming. I've taken the kids, it's clean, there's a long counter with all sorts of snacks and refreshments and it's empty except for a couple of employees who are doing stock or something. It's empty because we're late for the film, but there's no rush. There's a secretary or bookkeeper going over a long column of numbers with the manager, and so I go and order and give them $50.00 for the food. Meanwhile I'm talking to the manager, it's the best dollar cinema in the world, he's shown up today dressed as Batman, one of those plastic ripped-ab form costumes, but then he's got unicorns and musical notes painted with sparkles on his face, and I'm telling him how it completely ruins the Batman effect, makes him look gay, he's agreeing with me, pleasant enough, there's an usher, she dressed as Snow White but she's done it well and looks fetching as Snow White should. They're both very nice, there's a reason this is the best dollar cinema in the world, but now the manager and bookkeeper have gone back to their figures and the movies started and I haven't got my popcorn, so I tell the bookkeeper and she goes - "Oh, right big spender", because I gave her a $50, and she gives me change of 2 $50.00 bills and some smaller notes. I don't tell her, it's my lucky day, It's bright in this dream, the fluorescent lights overhead, and so I interrupt her again - the bookkeeper, to inquire about my popcorn and pop, she's forgotten, and suddenly I find myself on the end of the counter, in the children's party area, it's darker here and she's still off fetching my popcorn and I'm wanting to pay again to see if I get too much change....

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