The past week few opportunities to write, working longer hours (phew - as much as I hate it I've made no progress on any of the financial battlefronts and now, with a clear objective to work toward it's time, it's time). The weather this week has cooled, rainy, Father's day, despite the reservations a non-starter, Pa being taken for dinner by his adult children or grandchildren or wife, and always, always, it's Pa paying the bill. 

Work has begun interfering with the Gym, days off are precarious and announced an hour or so before I'm due to start, the new hires, T* and H*, aren't working out, T* abandoned work due to pressing personal issues, H* is a princess who only wants to work when she wants to....

And it rains. God we need the rain, every day overcast, clouds ragged and low on the mountains, when they part you can see snow upon the peaks that wasn't there before, evenings watching movies on my phone, catching up on culture.

The cool weather, damp, humidity, it cements the smells into my vehicle, the scent of tobacco, sweat, vodka, coffee, before work beachcombing new flints and finds, the rain is good for this, every day something new...

Time passes...

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