Twisted, Saturday night, daughters on a sleepover and I haven't been out forever, head off to Twisted.

I shouldn't have, really, wasn't in the mood, couldn't seem to get in the mood, too much on my mind, and the amusing inanity soon became boring, trite and overdone. Dancing, by myself, with others, a well dressed young black man, forefinger down, beckoning me over, this forefinger thing, I've just noticed it, everyone, it seems, is demonstrating their inner "Alpha Male" with it, the new gesture of "power and arrogance", he's ornamented his with a thick gold ring, making sure it's seems innocent enough, until he begins squeezing his nipple at me and covering me in imagined milk, licking his lips, there follow increasingly desperate attempts to gain my attention, dancing, my gaze held off into the middle distance, pretending not to see...

...there's the doorman, vampire white, muscular, shorter, an air of brutal savagery about him, he's never seen the sun and something about him, his piercings and tattoos, shaven head, reads "Serial Killer"...

...there's Superman, a T-shirt with the superman logo, dancing, twerking, dancing with his reflection in the mirrored pillar, arousing himself, clutching his engorging member, undoing his shorts to clutch himself closer, only to reveal his Superman underpants...

...and the latin lover, straight, 40 or 50 something, preying upon the drunken girls, lifting his shirt, placing their hands on him, dancing, bending them over then affixing his lips of incredible suction to theirs, some don't resist, too drunk, their friends laugh, take pictures, this will be facebook hell, the story of the "latin" lover disproven by photos that really should ensure she never, ever drinks again...after the photos the friends pull her from the dance floor, latin lover still attached to her mouth, he's not letting go, holding on with his lips, she can't breathe, the friends grow less amused, gently pulling him, harder and then harder, from his prey, men step in, no uncertain pressure, release her from his clutches, he's oblivious, dancing again, looking for another victim, there are abundant choices here...

I'm not in the mood, perhaps made myself a little too regular here, this is a twice a year place at best, that, or perhaps I need merely to up the dosage...




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