So, business slow, some of our usual great tippers, but - well, this will be a different year. 

Anyways, a few of the new staff, and a short elaboration on each: 

First there's H* - young, 26, tall, lean, wearing anime styled skirts and looking good in her schoolgirl outfits. Partnered, talking to JR, probably trying to ingratiate herself to him, she tells him she wants a baby soooo badly, and you see it in her eyes, she's committed to the bit, full on nutty, you could see if she doesn't have one soon she'll find a pregnant woman and tear it out, "She seemed pleasant enough" we'll all be saying...boyfriend beware...While I've never seen or read it, she reminds me of that lead in "50 Shades of nonsense....", her outfits generally only need a collar to complete, which unfortunately I can't recommend.

Then there's C* - Chef, the one who came in from Victoria having been mugged. He's always looking to scrounge a cigarette, eats and drinks in the restaurant, his tabs a further deduction on his paycheck - on top of the rent. He should know better, come pay periods he's going to be owing the restaurant money, not getting any back. So far he owes me $60. I don't have a lot of hope. 

There's T* - a pretty, pixie styled 30 something year old who seems able to do the job and have a laugh. She's genuinely likeable, which is a rare enough thing, and it's a joy to work with someone - well, new.

T* - a customer, who upon discussion I find out is the person who bought the property just off the highway a few KM back. I remember her moving in - 6  years ago. And so I ask, for the curious, it was a rumbledown shack in a ravine - how much did she pay? And it turns out they were asking $89,000 for it, 1.2 Acres, then when she called the realtor told her it was dropped to $82,000, so she put in an offer of $62,000 and was accepted. By golly by gully that's a mortgage I could have afforded...


Wednesday, a day off, only H* has texted me early in the morning - 6:11 AM to be precise, to ask if I could cover her shift, she's feeling sick. 


And so I text JR and tell him he should take the night off - it's not been busy enough for 2. 

Coffee, John Ward, run into K***, old chef from the Golf Course, dawdling his newborn - 1 year old child. He's a cutie. We chat, catch up, ask about P* - a notable homeless guy who was highly visible in the neighborhood and seems to have disappeared, K*** doesn't know where he's disappeared to. Homeless come and go, although the going usually involves an OD, no obituary and a new home 6' under.

On that note there's a new travelling addict in town, just dosed up, dressed like a DJ, in and out of the café, incomprehensible, the latest in the junkie migration, always verging on toppling over but he seems to be keeping it together...


JR responds, no, I should have my day off, I deserve it. Whew. And so I'm off, to the Gym, then to the library, then out to get some sun, a free man once again.


1:00 JR calls, plans have changed, he's had a fight with his mommy, I have to work. 


And, getting to work, annoyed beyond measure at this rollercoaster of working-not-working, I find the latest news. C* has disappeared, texted Sean (Chef) in the middle of the night that he's on his way to Winnipeg...he still owed me $60...not surprised, really, he was spending more than he was earning, likeable but a flake, now the kitchen is Man down and who should they be calling but Ken, who's grown unhappy in his current role and is coming in for an interview on the morrow. Ken, he'll love these new waitresses, Ken, ahh, now the summer fun will begin...

Working, a haze over the lake, smoke from the fires working it's way into the valley already, 6,10 weeks early. It's a beautiful spot to watch the world burn.

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