Scrolling through Facebook. Life in the metaverse. 

The same, the same, only somehow it manages to outdo itself in it's pandering drivel. Comics, because I click on "Calvin and Hobbes" and "The Far Side" I'm inundated with other comics from the period. "Dennis the Menace", nope, I'm not 5 anymore, not funny. And I went off "Dennis the Menace" when I started reading his "Jehova Witness" comics.

Then there's the "Pickle's" Comment, about a happily retired grand-couple. Grandparents. Dumb. 
More and more, "Zoki-Poki" humor, which is like an Eastern-European comic for their equivalent of a skin magazine. And I click to see what the punch line is only to discover something that's been translated by someone who doesn't speak Eastern European or English, and this click (and my ensuing bafflement looking for clues as to the puerile humor) something in the algorithm clicks that I've been engaged. 

So, more of the same. "K'nif" and "Revenge of the K'nif", the English equivalent, I'm guessing, women with torpedo shaped bosoms, punch lines that aren't in the least funny - and, I suspect, just because I'm of that age, more comics, Archie Andrews, Betty & Veronica as you've never seen them before...

And, given I probably stopped on Betty & Veronica when I was 7 or 8 I'm wondering who on earth has carried a torch for 50 years and wants to seem them redrawn in the buff?

I mean....

There's been a dearth of crystal mining and treasure hunting videos, and the "Painting Reveal" trend was so last week, this week for some reason it's all clips from "Seinfeld" and "Friends". Again, to my taste, rather uncomical, but no sooner do you watch one than every video becomes the same, I'm inundated with clips from "Seinfeld", there's hundreds of groups that are fans, the same with "Friends", and I'm deluged with Jennifer Aniston pictures in Bikini's, "Friends" photos, bloopers, outtakes, nonsense.

And then there are the photos of pretty girls, "Like and Follow" or "Follow me for more..." or "It's my birthday, give me a wish" or "Thank You ❤❤❤". Now sometimes you can't help but look, and I've tried to keep my looking confined to decent parameters. Not that there's anything TOO offensive...

Well, there is, and trust me, it will find you.

So, seldom clicking on the younger (indecently) women, more the handsome ones in their forties, fifties, the profile names - "Nobody Cares" or "Dreamy Designs" or "Abigail Mia" or a hundred other names that give away nothing - you buy the name only after you buy the picture. And the picture, this of one woman, this of another, formerly they all used to be pretty - various women under a single account, and I can see no purpose to it, "Follow Me" just to receive random pics of middle aged women?

So I get less engaged. Speed up my scroll. And now the women change again, now more pear shaped women in lingerie, late 50's, early 60's, late 60's, 70's even. 

What is up? Of course, again, no "Only Fans" just the fat older women in silky slips and belly-button high bloomers, meh, don't need this.

Then, a picture of a cute older women, more what I might formerly have clicked on, and I click, scroll, and - my god. It's all amputees, the cover photo gave nothing away, it's bait and switch, I'm getting women missing hands, feet, entire arms and legs, why, I just got a woman with no arms and legs on a surfboard. Another woman - elephantiasis of the ass - otherwise normal but an ass that weighs 300lbs, deformed, massive. Siamese Twins, the one twin largely consumed by the other, his head entering the surviving one's chest, his legs thrown up over his shoulder, ass in the survivor's face, butt to mouth not 3 inches....

I'm thinking my feed is at maximum degeneracy, and no longer am I merely the consumer, the "Customer" that must be engaged, I'm the experiment in how much a user will stand before throwing their phones in disgust.

And - noticing, certainly with the "Pear Shaped Older Women" trend - there seems to be more and more pictures that - well, maybe heavily filtered - but - at that point as likely AI generated, many - not merely the amputees (AI's proven it's good at that) - are concealing their hands and feet...

So, maybe - I mean, given the amount of content out there, it seems possible, if not likely, that these are bot-farms with CGI models worked into AI renderings...

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