After coffee this morning (never enough coffee, after this I must find some more...) a trip down to the lake to wash up my crystal finds & see what I have...

A beautiful morning on Kootenay Lake.

Crystal plate on the top has promise, but it'll need a toothbrush.

Picking through them and choosing a few favorites before I offer them up for grabs; but the lens on my phone needed replacing, so a quick trip to the mall and my phone/camera is as good as new. 

So these:

I like the pattern left by the crystal that grew next to it, a little indented crystal...

The dirt will scrub off - this was a preliminary rinse. 

Now, a couple of my favorite favorites:

 I feel that I now have more than enough to upend current geological theories about crystal formation. 

"When two crystal love each other very much...."

 Well, probably safe to say I won't be touring any elementary school geology classes....



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