And last night for the first time since beginning this blog I awoke twice, turned on the lamp and wrote down my dreams. Once at 2:00 AM, and again at 4:00 AM. And a note, lest I seem promiscuous, I often use the term "girlfriend" when describing my dreams, or "ex-girlfriend" - this is not true, strictly, they are dreams, the people that appear as players are often pastiches of people I've known, but in the dream the relationship is clearly defined. So, no, I haven't as chequered a past as I appear to be confessing, these are dreams, immune to logic...

The First Dream (2:00 AM): - An Ex Girlfriend - L***-***, is being piggybacked by me, we are dressed up, it's Halloween, the main floor of some office tower, there is an open area, office, filled with people partying. She wants to go in and join them, but we know they are demons, still, she is curious, I warn her, once in we won't be able to leave...

We enter the party, they look like normal people, but they are demons. And we can't leave, we'll be trapped here forever, the exits have all disappeared, we have to escape - I go to the wall where the window was before, taking her with me, we walk through it, now a patio with a little fence, barricaded off, we fall over it together and begin to run down the street in slow motion.

It is an effort to run,  we can't move, our steps are slow, and the demons are following us. We are on Rice Howard Way in Edmonton, running in slow motion, two demons behind following us, they look like men in suits, eyes wide open, sniffing the air, they are looking around, but they are blind, they can't see us, they are sniffing the air, following us by scent.

We make it into Rigolettos and try to hide...

The Second Dream (4:00 AM): I am with someone, we are going to the Airport(?) I think, it is nightime and the sky is luminous with the light of ten million stars. He's taking me to the airport, we are looking for a giant US flag that will mark the sky and show us where to go. There are the words 'Noctilucent Clouds' in my head. He leads me over a bluff, and suddenly we fall straight down a slide or chute, like a water slide, only farther- a break in the slide, free fall, then again onto the slide and we are in the airport, our luggage scattered around us. it was a long fall, I think we should have sent our luggage down first to be safe.... 


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