This is an old dream I had perhaps when I was 20 years old, but I still remember it. 

I've lied down to fall bed is on the floor, a futon, I'm listening to the radio.

I keep changing stations, I can't listen if I don't like the music, and I switch from station to station, searching for something I like.

And I realize that I'm not using my hands to change the stations, they are responding to my will, the radio switches as I will it...

I become concious of a presence at the foot of the bed, dark, malevolent, evil beyond imagining, and am seized with fear. Not mortal fear, this is something deeper, the fear for ones soul...

I am lifted off the bed, perhaps 3 feet, and then dropped back.

The presence is still there, but further away, I screw up the courage to get out of bed and turn on all the lights in the apartment.

This does not dispell it, the presence, it could come back, shapeless...evil.

For a long time I tried to explain this dream, I had laid down, but I had no recollection of falling asleep or waking up, only the changing of stations and the evil presence at the foot of the bed...

 But it's not as uncommon as it might at first appear: try this link: hypnogogia


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