I'm with a large group of people and we're climbing Mt. Everest.

We're going for the top, although we won't get there today, we're on a stone track winding through the jungle, stairs up, there are many villages along the way with the Stupas and the Temples, we've reached one of the last and everyone has found a place to bunk for the night.

Dion and I, we've decided to press on, you can see the top of the mountain from here, walking through the village we run into some trouble - shots are fired, a frightened local, someone throws hundred dollar bills at us to buy our silence.

You can see the top of the mountain, almost straight up from where we are, but it's still covered in jungle, it's a false summit, when we get to the top we'll see the real summit but we want to climb to the top of the rise and see the view, where we're going, and so we keep climbing although daylight is fading fast, it's not mountain climbing so much as walking up a stone staircase in the side of the mountain, we should really break off and look for a place to sleep in the woods and I wonder that the altitude has not begun to take it's toll...

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