It was a damned strange dream and so with great difficulty I got myself up and made my notes and fell back asleep.

More of the same damned strange dream, and then I woke up and resolved to blog about it but the notes I had made didn't exist, they were in my dream as well. 

Most disconcerting.

This is what I remember of it:

I'm waiting tables in a restaurant, dark wood, high ceilings, no place that I can remember. Waiting for drinks I've ordered at the bar I meet other people I've worked with - Fred, "Hot Sauce" Fred, only it doesn't really look like him, he's much better looking and the only reason I know it's Fred is because he's so damned sarcastic. I'm surprised that he's here and he's looking at me like I'm stupid, we all share this bar, he's from the restaurant next door, and I had forgotten/didn't know there was a restaurant next door....

Now I'm in the basement and another waiter, some Mexican fellow, is talking to a table about why they should tip, they're giving him a hard time, he's explaining that he's just glad of the opportunity of an honest living, they like that answer and leave and when they've left I check the bill, they've left nothing for a tip and I call him to tell him, curse them down, but when I turn around he's lying down naked with a big black waiter, flaccid cock, it's a homoerotic  scene and other waiters in the basement are doing the same and I'm like "Uh-oh" and so I start to go upstairs, don't want to intrude and these are big boys and I really don't want to be made into anyone's bitch....

I'm upstairs, outside, looking at the restaurant and it's divided into 3 different restaurants, 2 thin ones on either side of one thick one in the middle, an older style "character" building, and I'm thinking that that explains running into Fred...

And that's it. Probably there was more but it's lost in the notebook lost in the dream...

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