It's a sunny evening and I'm hitchhiking beside a road, only it's not a road, it's a long river that runs beside a waterfall, is a waterfall on it's right-handed edge that plunges to a lake far below. To the left there rise mountains and cliffs, there's a cheerful evening light and someone driving down the road, driving down the river, stops to give me a lift. I know him, don't know him, never met him, he's a customer from the restaurant and he knows me and so we talk...

He stops at a restaurant beside the road/river waterfall, we go in to grab a bite to eat, it's quaintly furnished, comfortable, there's a low dark wooden bar and a older barmaid and pleasant older blonde haired waiter in a gold embroidered shirt making conversation, he's chatty and he's wearing a a grotesque long and bulbous paper mache nose, it's strapped to his face where his real nose should be only it's been disfigured and so he's hiding it, and this nose, it's painted to look like flesh but it doesn't pass at all, more what a clown might wear in an old circus...

...and he's chatting and he's laying these shirts upon the counter, beautiful gold embroidered shirts, floral patterns, very regal, they're for me I understand...

...and I want to take the shirts but then I understand that if I do I'm to stay here and live and work, and this is not what I want, and I think to bundle up these shirts, take them with me and leave, only my ride has disappeared and the shirts are stained from some liquid on the bar and I'm telling myself that I can wash them...


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